Wirral Grammar School for Boys
Booking fee applies
Wirral Grammar School for Boys end of year concert is a musical extravaganza like no other.
16 different ensembles, up to 150 performers from all ages and year groups, and a truly amazing variety of music will wow a packed audience for the first time in the Tung Auditorium.
Whether it’s massed choirs or chamber choirs; keyboard, guitar, string, wind or brass groups; rock bands or Samba, Big Bands or Concert Bands, there will be something for everyone!
A booking fee of 8% will apply to purchases made by telephone or online.
Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 10 are not permitted on balcony seats.
Access tickets and companion seats are available for patrons with access requirements (eg. wheelchair users). Please click here to read instructions on how to join our access scheme and book these tickets.
Promoted by Wirral Grammar School for Boys