Solem quartet with their instruments

Showcase with the Solem Quartet


Free, booking required

Book tickets

Ensemble-in-residence at The University of Liverpool, the Solem Quartet are joined by Department of Music students to showcase achievements of performers and composers from across the academic year; a brilliant close to the 2024/25 lunchtime concert season.

Composition students work with the Solem Quartet throughout the year to hone their craft, and the quartet will perform some of their works today. The quartet will also perform alongside performance students from both undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Join us for this final lunchtime concert of the season and celebrate the fantastic musicality of the University’s Department of Music students.

Part of the Lunchtime Concert Series


If you book tickets for a free lunchtime concert and are subsequently unable to attend, please email [email protected] to return your tickets and allow someone else to go in your place.

Access seats are available to visitors with additional access requirements such as wheelchair users. Sign-up to the access scheme to book these seats.

This performance is not likely to be suitable for children under 5 due to the acoustics in the auditorium. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Under-10’s are not permitted to sit on the balconies.

No food or hot drinks allowed in The Tung Auditorium.

This concert will last approximately 50 minutes.

Read the booking full terms and conditions here.