Perchance to Dream: The Musical World of Ivor Novello
FREE, booking required
"I am not a highbrow. I am an entertainer. Empty seats and good opinions mean nothing to me."
One of the most popular stage composers of the early twentieth century, Ivor Novello's musicals were among the last to be written in the 'operetta' style. His music has endured because of its very high quality, lush melody and a sense of nostalgia that has increased as the years have passed.
Ian Buckle's programme comprises songs and musical numbers from four shows - Glamorous Night (1935), The Dancing Years (1939), Perchance to Dream (1945) and King's Rhapsody (1949).
Jane Irwin (soprano) and Sarah Brandwood-Spencer (violin) join Ian in presenting the smash hits from Novello’s stage shows, featuring ‘We’ll Gather Lilacs’, ‘My Dearest Dear’, ‘When the Gypsy Played’, ‘Fly Home Little Heart’, 'Shine Through My Dreams' and many more.
Part of the Lunchtime Concert Series.
This concert will last approximately 50 minutes.
This concert is not likely to be suitable for children under 5 due to the acoustics in the auditorium. Children under 10 are not permitted on balcony seats. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.